Bond & End of Lease Cleaning

Restoring your home to what it was when you moved in is a core tenet of renting, and that’s exactly what our Bond/End of lease clean offers. With extensive experience in end of lease / bond cleans, we ensure that your dwelling or commercial premise is in great shape, helping get your bond back and keep all parties happy.

Taking away the stress

Moving can be stressful no matter how well you plan every step. Add to that the pressure of the final inspection over cleanliness and general keep of your rental and you have a challenging time on your hand. This can eventually lead to the loss of your bond if you don’t dedicate the level of attention needed to your end of lease clean.

WCG Cleaning offers customised bond cleaning packages which will make your property look like a treat. We’ll leave your dwelling or commercial premise looking so clean that your landlord will regret you’re moving out!

Your bond back - guaranteed!

When our bond cleaning team arrives at your property, they’ll inspect every area to confirm that everything which might need cleaning is included in the agreed checklist and scope of work. We’ll note areas that might need extra clean to make sure everything is left spotless. 

We actively work with you to bring potential challenges to your attention. It is in our interest for you to receive your bond back, and in ours too!

We’re so confident in our cleaning services that our work comes with a bond-back guarantee. That is – if you don’t get your bond back after our work, we’ll cover the cost of the bond!

As good as the day you stepped in

Our goal with end of lease / bond cleans is simple: to help your premise return to the condition it was in when you stepped in. Whether a residential unit or stand-alone house, or a commercial office you are moving away from, our team puts in the requisite effort to help your landlord appreciate that you’ve “made good” your contractual requirement to clean up and have it as good as the day you received it.